Opt Out of Paper Catalogs

Here’s how the service works: once you create an account on catalogchoice.org—including your name and primary mailing address—you can select the specific catalogs you would no longer like to receive—or simply reduce the frequency with which you receive them. Not all companies participate in this service, but those that do have committed to honor your preferences within twelve weeks. According to the website, more than 1,300 retailers have agreed to participate.

Inbox versus Mailbox

Some of the catalogs we receive are irrelevant and unwanted—and catalogchoice.org is a great way to opt out. However, some catalogs you want to continue receiving. You can still receive information about the companies and services you love—but in your email inbox instead of your mailbox. Most companies have their catalog of products available electronically. Check the websites of your favorite companies to see if they provide an online catalog or email list.

Reducing Your Carbon Footprint

Opting out of paper catalogs helps companies spend less money on printing and postage while allowing them to better target those who really want to receive their information. If you’re concerned about the amount of junk mail that reaches your inbox, opting out of paper catalogs and opting in for email and online catalogs is an eco-conscious way to reduce your own environmental footprint.


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